This document outlines the technical requirements necessary for students to enroll and participate in the online courses offered by von Becker Consulting LLC (“Company”) on (“Website”).

  • “Company” refers to von Becker Consulting LLC, the provider of the online courses.
  • “Website” refers to the online platform hosted by the Company where students access course materials and resources, at
  • “Service” refers to the online courses provided by the Company through its Website.
  • “Student” refers to an individual who enrolls in and participates in the online courses.
  • “Parent or Guardian” refers to the legal guardian or parent responsible for a student under the age of majority in their jurisdiction.
  • All students must possess a valid Google account registered in their own legal name (e.g., Gmail).
  • The Google account must be in good standing and free from any restrictions that may inhibit access to Google services.
  • Students are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of their Google account credentials and for any activity that occurs under their account.
  • Chrome will be the official browser for accessing course materials and participating in web conferencing sessions on the Website.
  • Students must have access to a laptop or desktop computer with a functional keyboard, capable of supporting the necessary software required for participation in the Service.
  • The computer system must be equipped with a web camera, speakers, and a microphone to support web conferencing included with the Service.
  • Students are responsible for ensuring that the computer hardware and web conferencing equipment are in working condition and compatible with the communication platform used by the Company.
  • A strong and reliable broadband internet connection is essential for full participation in the Service.
  • The minimum internet speed required for optimal performance will be communicated by the Company and should be met by the Student’s internet service provider.
  • It is the Student’s responsibility to maintain an internet connection that can support video streaming, live discussions, and virtual screen shares without interruption.
  • Failure to meet any of the specified technical requirements may impact a Student’s ability to fully participate in the coding courses, and the Company shall not be held liable for any resulting consequences.
  • The Company reserves the right to verify compliance with the technical requirements outlined in this document at any time during the enrollment process or throughout the duration of the courses.
  • Any changes or updates to the technical requirements will be communicated to enrolled Students in a timely manner.

By enrolling in the online courses provided by the Company, Students and their Parents or Guardians acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to comply with the technical requirements outlined in this document. Failure to meet these requirements may result in limitations or restrictions on participation in the courses.

This document is subject to change without prior notice, and any updates will be effective upon posting on the Company’s Website or communication through other official channels.

Last updated: May 8, 2024