A Summer of Python

Learn to code this summer at our Python Fundamentals Summer Camps! Tailored for curious middle and high school students, each week-long camp provides daily live virtual sessions, interactive coding activities, and personalized support. From basic syntax to object oriented programming, students will master Python through engaging lessons and hands-on projects designed specifically for middle and high schoolers. With small class sizes and daily office hours, every student receives the attention and support they need to thrive.

Enroll now to start your code encounter!

Afternoon Projects

Take your coding skills to the next level with our highly personalized one-on-one or small-group after-school coding projects for middle and high school students. Whether you want to design interactive apps and games, train your own virtual assistant, or discover the beauty of computational art, our projects are 100% tailored to your interests and skill level. With an individualized experience and expert guidance, you’ll bring your ideas to life and sharpen your Python skills along the way.

Contact us to plan your code encounter today!

Advanced Topics

Now that you’ve learned the fundamentals of computer programming with Python, embark on a week-long advanced exploration with CodeNcounters’ upcoming mini-courses. Dive deep into specialized topics like web scraping, data science, and predictive modeling. Our live interactive lessons and hands-on activities will equip you with essential skills and knowledge to tackle exciting real-world problems.

Join us today to continue your code encounters!